Writers block? Getting stuck? Simple, just Breathe.
Have you ever had so much going on in your life that your head is spinning
and making decisions becomes impossible?
Or you have an important interview or presentation and no matter how many hours you put into the preparation; you just can’t find the right words? I’ve been there, done that! Didn’t even have time to get the T- shirt because I was so stressed.
Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity is “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Hey; so let’s do things differently!
That’s where Transformational Breath now comes into my life. No more need to stress. Just breathe.
A few years ago I was responsible for submitting an application for funding for a community project. I had done the research, had the evidence of need and was pretty confident of the outcome. Then I got writer’s block. Blah, blah, blah, drivel, garbage and the more attempts I had at writing the final text, the more frustrated I became. It felt like I was trotting out the same old lines and had lost the essence of why I believed we deserved to be supported. I fell asleep exhausted knowing I had until noon the following day to submit the form.
Waking up at 6am I had a sense of dread, then remembered the unfinished task. Six hours left on the clock after spending days going round in circles. So I chose to spend an hour breathing with the soul intention of bringing more clarity to the task. Now for these occasions I plug in my ipod and listen to a guided session by our Founder, Judith Kravitz and just surrender to the Breath.
As the session progressed I could feel the tension dissolve, the apprehension disappear and I bathed in the bliss and power of conscious, connected breathing. An intense sense of wellbeing led to a flow of new creative thoughts, words and then sentences. I sat up, grabbed my lap top that had slithered to the floor at midnight and started writing. By 8am I had a polished version that I knew reflected the worth of the project and addressed all the necessary points for those making the decisions.
I had asked for CLARITY and received that and much more. The experience completely endorsed my belief in Transformational Breath. I had been used to breathing for emotional release and a super boost of energy. Now I could also use it to bring immediate focus and connection with a very left brain task. How amazing is that? Incredible!
So do you have a task that you have been kicking around for a while and would like to resolve? Or is it time NOW to learn a versatile and empowering technique for smoothly allowing you to move forward in life. Call me now to book and individual session on 01373 228585 or 07973 148699.
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