Frequently Asked Questions

If you have some questions that you would like answered, this is the first place to check.

Please call us if you have any further questions.

Transformational Breath®

  1. What is Transformational Breath®?
  2. What are the benefits of Transformational Breathing?
  3. What is a Breath Session?
  4. What is a One to One Breath Session?
  5. How many One to One sessions will I need?
  6. How much does it cost for a One to One session?
  7. Will I need to bring anything to my session and will I be lying on the floor?
  8. Is this a “hands on” session?
  9. What is Body Mapping?
  10. Do you have a cancellation policy?
  11. Can I drive after a session or should I rest?
  12. Are there any contra-indications or reason why Transformational Breath® is not for me?
  13. What if I am pregnant?
  14. What is a Group Session?
  15. What is a Transformational Breath® Workshop?
  16. Is Transformational Breath® the same as other breathing techniques?
  17. Will Transformational Breath® work for my sister/brother/husband/friend?
  18. Do you work with children?
  19. Is there an upper age limit?
  20. What if I am seriously ill at the moment?
  21. You don’t seem to have any dates booked in my area. Do you visit other places?
  22. We have an event that we are organising speakers for; would you be able to attend?

Question: What is Transformational Breath®?


Transformational Breath® uses a technique that engages the diaphragm which increases the active capacity of the lungs.

Transformational Breath® brings more oxygen into the body thereby stimulating the body’s natural healing resources.

Transformational Breath® is unique in the use of gentle acupressure to assist the safe release of trapped emotions and discomfort in the body.

For more information please visit the Transformational Breath® page

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Question: What are the benefits of Transformational Breathing?


The benefits are many and varied, on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

Please visit the Transformational Breath® page for a full list of benefits.

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Question: What is a Breath Session?


A Transformational Breath® Session consists of an introductory chat where we explain the process involved, the technique and what to expect during the session. You will be able to ask questions and will be fully supported as you learn the breathing technique.

The time allocated to actually using the technique to Tbreathe will depend on your individual needs or those of the group involved. We aim to allow two thirds of the whole time to Breathing whenever the ratio of Facilitator to participants is deemed safe. We prefer to allow everyone present to have as much attention as possible so that you are able to grasp the simple technique.

Your Facilitator will always tell you or the group how much time will be allocated to the breathing.

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Question: What is a One to One Breath Session?


This is the jewel in our breathing crown because it allows you to experience a fully supported and individual session. Your first session may be two hours long to allow time for us to tell you all about Transformational Breath®, how it works, how to do it and answer all of your questions.

If you have a specific issue that you wish to focus on, this will be discussed and a desired outcome for the session will be agreed.

The cost of your One to One session will be determined by the duration and location of the session.

Please contact us for more information.

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Question: How many One to One sessions will I need?


We do not believe in making people dependent on us for experiencing and enjoying Transformational Breath® in the future. In fact we teach you a simple technique and encourage you to use this daily or whenever you feel the need.

The numbers of sessions you wish to book are such an individual preference and will depend on our availability and your purse. Some people like to book a regular session every month or six weeks. Others have an incredible first session and don’t feel the need to return for a while. Every client knows that they can return at any point and wherever they feel the need for individual support with a new challenging situation.

As we also offer workshops and group sessions, we encourage all clients to explore the very uniqueness of breathing with other people. Many find this a very powerful way to maintain their commitment to Transformational Breath® and themselves.

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Question: How much does it cost for a One to One session?


Please call us to discuss where you live, whether you are happy for us to visit you in your own home, or whether we will need to book a room for your session. Unlike many therapeutic services, your session will usually last 90 minutes to 2 hours and therefore the cost reflects the amount of time we are with you.

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Question: Will I need to bring anything to my session and will I be lying on the floor?


Our aim is for you to be as comfortable as possible during the session. You will be either sitting down in a position that fully supports your back and allows you to rest your head and neck or you will be lying on the floor, fully supported and cushioned. Extra blankets are also available for your comfort.

We advise you to wear loose, comfortable clothing without tight waistbands or belts. Layers of clothes will enable you to regulate your body temperature during the session.

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Question: Is this a “hands on” session?


Transformational Breath® is unique in the use of Body Mapping (see next FAQ): a process that involves gentle pressure on acupressure points on the torso, neck, chin and legs. All of this can be achieved through clothing although we may ask you to remove thick jumpers or jackets. Please tell us if you are pregnant or have any areas of tenderness such as recent operation scars.

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Question: What is Body Mapping?


Transformational Breath is unique in it’s use of light touch accupressure. Your body is a “map” and communicates its needs so when gentle pressure is applied, it may feel tender. This is an indictaion that this area, usually linked to an emotional situaltion, needs encouragement to “let go” of whatever it has been holding. The process adds an amazing depth to each session and our clients tell us how refreshed and energgised they feel after a session. Leaving the emotional “baggage” behind in truely liberating.

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Question: Do you have a cancellation policy?


In the past we have preferred to trust that people will give at least 24 hours notice if they are unable to attend a workshop or One to One session. Last minute cancellations or “no-shows” mean that we are unable to offer that time and space to someone else. It also means that our financial viability is at risk. Please honour our time and commitment to you by contacting us if you are unable to make it to your session.

Workshops usually include a non-returnable deposit which is calculated to be fair and also cover our overheads for that session. If we need to cancel your session for any reason, we will inform you as soon as possible and rebook a slot to suit you. Workshop cancellations will only occur if the venue we are using has encountered problems. Deposits will be returned if rescheduling the date is not possible or no longer fits into your diary.

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Question: Can I drive after a session or should I rest?


We encourage our clients not to rush off in a car straight away and to allocate enough time after a session to assimilate what has happened; 15 – 20 minutes minimum. Having a light snack helps, drinking lots of water afterwards aids the de-toxing process and we advise you to avoid alcohol or stimulants for the remainder of the day.

Every session is completely different and will be determined by how you are beforehand, what issues you have chosen to address and how long your session lasted. So give yourself the time and space to fully integrate the Transformational Breath® experience.

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Question: Are there any contra-indications or reason why Transformational Breath® is not for me?


There are no known medical contra-indications to Transformational Breathing. This is based on the many thousands of people our Transformational Breath® community have worked with who feedback any problems or situations that have arisen. Breathing is the most basic of human functions and we are facilitating a more open and unrestricted respiratory system.

We do ask you to tell us about your medical history, current medical issues, medication you are taking and any treatment that you are undergoing so that we can position you for the optimum and safe experience. We are not trained, medical practitioners and we reserve the right to decline to work with anyone who we feel will not benefit from a Transformational Breathing session. We may ask you to consult your medical professional first if we are unsure.

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Question: What if I am pregnant?


Always tell us if you think you might be pregnant as this will affect how we approach Body Mapping during your session. The breathing technique is perfectly safe for you to use whilst pregnant and will offer you a pleasant way to relax and recuperate. Transformational Breath® is increasingly being used by ladies as part of their Birth Plan.

We would prefer that you have a few One to One sessions prior to the birth so that you will be able to judge how Transformational Breath® may help you. Once contractions start, your mind will be on more pressing matters so a good technique before the pain takes over will allow you to call on it when the need arises.

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Question: What is a Group Session?


Our aim is to allow as many people as possible to experience Transformational Breath® and group introductory sessions are a brilliant opportunity for this to happen. We like to accept invitations to present to groups whether that is a small group of 6-10 friends or a larger gathering of 20 or more.

We always aim to have enough facilitators present to allow everyone to have individual attention during the session. Teaching the technique is easy; we also want to ensure that everyone is able to follow through and experience the best technique for themselves.

Our Events and Workshops page gives the locations where you can join us for a session. You may also like to contact us to arrange a Group Session in your area.

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Question: What is a Transformational Breath® Workshop?


Workshops are available across the South West region and are based in locations where we also offer One to One sessions. These are usually three hours, half day, or full day events where a group of people will experience single or a series of Group Breath Sessions. There is more time to talk and discuss the process, explore the potential of Transformational Breath® in your life and set meaningful intentions for each session that can add another powerful dimension to the session. You are welcome to come along on your own or bring a friend or partner.

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Question: Is Transformational Breath® the same as other breathing techniques?


There are many other breathing techniques and each one will have its own purpose. The yogic breath for instance is a nose breath with a controlled exhale. We will endeavour to help you put whatever you have used before to one side so that you are able to learn and enjoy this new technique. You will still be able to use other techniques for the purpose that they are best suited.

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Question: Will Transformational Breath® work for my sister/brother/husband/friend?


We are happy to talk to you about what we do and how it can help people in general. We cannot “fix” anyone, including you so in all cases your sister/brother/husband must be the person we talk to before their session.

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Question: Do you work with children?


We ask that all children under the age of 16 are accompanied by an adult. There is no minimum age and some babies who have had traumatic births can benefit from a One to One session. You may also like to have a session where you and your child breathe together.

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Question: Is there an upper age limit?


Until we die, we breathe. So increasing our effectiveness will help at any age. Older people may prefer to breathe through their nose for a session and we certainly recommend this for anyone with a history of chest infections.

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Question: What if I am seriously ill at the moment?


Enduring any serious illness is hugely stressful for all concerned. Transformational Breath® provides a simple means of staying calm, keeping things in perspective and provides a technique to help you sleep more easily.

If you are soon to have surgery you may be instructed by the medical team to try abdominal breathing to aid your recovery. Transformational Breath® before and after surgery greatly helps increase the oxygen levels in your blood. If you are undergoing treatment such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, Transformational Breath® will help prepare you for each cycle of treatment and aid your recovery afterwards. 80% of our body’s toxins are released through the respiratory system, so increasing its effectiveness makes sense.

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Question: You don’t seem to have any dates booked in my area. Do you visit other places?


If you can bring at least 6 people together in a room where everyone can lie down; we may be able to arrange an introductory workshop of at least an hour. Cost will be calculated on distance and time involved. Perhaps also treat yourself to a One to One session which makes our journey more economically viable. If you are more than 60 miles away from us we might be able to help connect you with one of our colleagues from Transformational Breath Foundation UK

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Question: We have an event that we are organising speakers for; would you be able to attend?


Let’s talk. We love to spread the word and perhaps you can also organise a group workshop as above that will make our trip economically viable.

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These are just a few of the many questions that we are asked. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your personal circumstances and to hear more than we have been able to include in this website.

Breath Thought for the day

Oxygen drives the process of respiration, which provides our cells with energy.

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